Thursday, November 1, 2007


Got my Xbox replaced last night. Gamestop is not selling replacement warranties anymore so I went to and registered that bad boy. It takes about a minutes and you just enter your contact info and the sixteen digit serial number from that back (which is also available from the dashboard system blade. Highly recommend as this is my fourth console. From now on it's Microsoft's problem.

I also went to Wally World and bought a HDMI upconverting Philips DVD player and quite frankly I can't tell the difference. I only played with one movie (CHICAGO (2002)) and it looked great but didn't make me jump up and down.

So then this morning I get to work and and are reporting Wally World is going to have their $200 Toshiba HDDVD for $100. SOLD! No more calls, we have a winner! So I am going to take the Philips I bought for $50 back and kick in another $50 and get it. And you get five free movies to boot.

I'll have to be there fresh and early before the obese inbreds arrive on their scooters looking for $400 laptops and Soft Batch cookies. I'll report on how that works out for me tomorrow.