Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Been Busy...

Jim is back. Back again. Jim is back. Tell your friends.

For those not in the know I have been on vacation, then work, then vacation again. I have been gone for the twelve continuous days and it's good to be home. I try to keep such things private since I don't want all my swag stolen from my house by the meth addicts that live across the street because they knew I was on vacay because I put it on my blog.

Slow, not stupid.

So it goes a little something like this: I left Wednesday, November 7 for Washington DC, never been there before. My girlfriend went to law school there and was at some kind of legal conference and some political activist thing she's a part of. I vaguely know what these things are but they don't involve me and she doesn't care that I don't remember which is probably for the best since my memory is filled with memorizing important things like all the James Bond films in order. I stayed in DC until Sunday, November 11 and then flew to Indianapolis IN and drove an hour to Batesville IN where my friend from high school, Jessica, with her husband and three kids live. Woke up Monday at 6:00a and drove another hour to Cincinnati OH where I was at a conference for work. Monday night I drove to Dayton OH to get some co-workers that flew in and then drove them back Wednesday evening. Back for my part of the conference which ends Friday November 16, and I drive back to Batesville IN and spend Friday night and Saturday with Jess and her family. Sunday I drove to Indianapolis and jumped an earlier flight back to Orlando and drove back home to Ocala.


And this is why my blog isn't updated.