Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's Dead Jim...

My Xbox 360 died again. This is the third time. I went to Gamestop Sunday and they didn't want to replace it saying something about the home office wants their replacement plan to kick in after the Microsoft three year warranty expires. They were going to call the manager to override it on his day off and I said don't bother, I know him, I used to work for him, I'll call him myself. I did and he said my warranty is still good.

I use my Xbox as my all-purpose entertainment system. Movies, music, videos and games. I like knowing what all my friends are doing like a twenty first century Gladys Krabitz. There is Amy playing Dance Dance Revolution. There is Tony watching a movie. There is Dusty listening to music. Is Yuri ever going to stop playing Halo 3. But mostly I watch movies. Lots of movies.

What realy cheeses me off is I know fifteen people who 360s (people I know, I have met, been to their homes... not randoms from online). Only two of us have had to have our systems replaced. I do ride mine like a cheap busty whore.

So I decided to get a new DVD player and take some of the heat off the 360. I have three already but I can get a Philips upconverting DVD for under $50 at Wally World. It goes 720p/1080i which is as high as my TV goes. I'm curious to see the quality difference.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, who else is online- Hey, there's Tommy making Rachel watch Transformers again!

Cock of war!

-Diabolic T